JCR Week 4 Elections

by Jacob Stevens

Dear all,

JCR elections are upon us again, and the form for submitting yourself as a candidate/supporting someone else by nominating them can be found here:

The deadline has now passed – Hustings for elected positions will be on Monday evening.


Women and Non-Binary Dinner!

by Micheala Chan

Trinity Hall’s Women and Non-Binary Dinner on Saturday 10 November 2018 looks to be a great night! We have some great speakers coming up and we are really excited to see you there. Below, you will find the payment form. There are 4 categories of tickets:

1) JCR

2) MCR

3) SCR

4) Guest

If you are unsure of which you belong to or have any other queries, please do not hesitate to email me at jcr-women@trinhall.cam.ac.uk!

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