Catering bits and bobs

by Oli Lane

Hi all — there’s been some confusion about a few things to do with catering in college, and we thought we should feed back to you after clarifying at the last Kitchen Committee meeting. Here goes:


All undergraduates resident in Trinity Hall accommodation pay what is advertised as “Price A” — the cheaper one. This is because we all pay a Kitchen Fixed Charge (KFC). The cost of hall food has not risen compared with last year, except for a small proportion for meat dishes. Coffee bar prices are set for the whole year, and are not covered by the KFC, hence the single price.


Much to our environment-based distress, whilst we have the marquee in front court the cafeteria are using plastic cups instead of the usual glass. It’s OKAY though, because they’re biodegradable and are being recycled by college. Hooray!

(On the topic of green stuff, if you haven’t posted on the Student Switch Off page supporting Tit Hall then WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE’S BEN & JERRY’S AT STAKE?!? Ahem.)

Useful links

  • Here is the catering part of the intranet. Have a play. Using the bar on the left you can find things like opening times for hall and booking times for hall and superhall.
  • There is an online feedback form, and you can get to it by clicking the Kitchen Comments link over on the Quick Links bar on the right (–>). If you have strong feelings about hot desserts/bangers and mash/ravioli (as replies we got a while back said you are) then please tell them here. Please also tell them if you had a particularly cracking time at (formal/super/normal) hall because the food was just bloody great.
  • You can check your bill here in the hall booking system. The link is called “EPOS”, which stands for “Electronic Point Of Sale” and is very badly named. On the plus side, it works fantastically.

That’s it (phew!). Happy noshing.


Coffee shop opening times

by Oli Lane

Hi all, enclosed below is a message from the Junior Bursar (emphasis mine):

We are now a few weeks into term and I hope you have all had the opportunity to trial the new coffee shop and bar.  I believe it has been a great addition to the College’s facilities and I thank all those who put a huge amount of effort in over the summer to have it ready for the start of term.

Whether the coffee shop would be successful or not was/is quite an unknown.  As such the opening hours of the coffee shop have been made as long as was feasible to assess when the popular times would be and when the quiet times would be.  After four weeks we have a better idea and want to be able to rota staff on for when they are needed and reduce staff where they are not.  As such, starting from Saturday 9th November, the following opening times will be in operation.

Sat & Sun: open at midday

Mon – Fri: open at 9.30am

If anyone has any concerns or comments before we implement this, please let me know.


Glen Sharp

Polite notice regarding the Aula bar

by Davina Moss

Aula bar

These foods are so delicious, please don’t bring your own to either the cafebar or the Crescent Room! If Wendy doesn’t turn a profit, we won’t be able to keep the gorgeous service going.

(And to the people who brought their own Nero, what were you thinking? The Aula bar coffee is seriously lush.)

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