JCR Committee happenings – May update

by Oli Lane

Contrary to any libellous slander you may have read in The Titbit, the JCR have been doing something useful this term. The committee met for its first meeting of the term on the 28th of April, and the minutes are now up here. In case you’re averse to reading long detailed notes of meetings you didn’t attend and only vaguely care about, I’ve provided a summary below.

College Questionnaire

Sigh. We’re at 43% or something, and we’re not closing it until we get to 50%. It’s not even funny any more, guys.


Plans for an Alternative Prospectus are being drawn up. Georgia has founded a lovely Jog Squad and you should join. Various miscellaneous wonderfulness from the welfare team.


Movie nights in the lecture theatre, hooray. Possible Pub Quiz.


Less is more. Listings are now once per week, and even more packed with juicy goss.


Some updates requested for the website, including links to news sites (over there on the right *vigorous head gestures*).

Sky TV

We’re sorry! Davina is working on it.


Thank you for the wonderful response on the survey we sent out. All feedback handed over to the relevant committees.

IT are considering switching to a credit-based system for printing, where you would need to top up your balance online before printing instead of having it on the college bill. This is because of problems with people accidentally running up big printing charges, and the cost/difficulty of handling all of the charges (IT have to collect all of the charges and send them to the bursary to be put on each student’s bill).

This would be a central balance (many departments use this system already), and you would be able to print to most printers in the university using it. New students would be credited a small amount to reduce the friction when they’re getting set up.

The IT committee asked me to return feedback on this within two weeks, so if you have an opinion on this either way, I’d really appreciate an email.

Freshers week

A meeting was held after the main JCR meeting, and plans are being drawn up. We may send around a survey at some point to get people’s (particularly this year’s freshers) opinions.

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