

Those present were:

  • Sam Pulman-Slater (President, SP hereafter)
  • Jennie Towler (Vice President, JTo hereafter)
  • Alice Sowton (Welfare Officer, AS hereafter)
  • Dom O’Neill (Welfare Officer, DO hereafter)
  • Veer Goiporia (Treasurer, VG hereafter)
  • Catherine Hooper (Secretary, CH hereafter)
  • David Powell (Ents President, DP hereafter)
  • Sam Slattery (Ents President, SS hereafter)
  • Jade Treneary (Access Officer, JTr hereafter)
  • Laura Salzmann (Green and Ethical Officer, LS hereafter)
  • James Coe (First Year Rep, JC hereafter)
  • Eric Dale (First Year Rep, ED hereafter)
  • Tian Chan (First Year Rep, TC hereafter)
  • Josh Send (Webmaster, JS hereafter)
  • Anna Edgar (LBGT+, AE hereafter)
  • Hanan Ziad (Black and Ethnic Minorities Officers, HZ hereafter)
  • Meg Woodward (Special Considerations Officer, MW hereafter)
  • Anna Murray (Women’s Officer, AM hereafter)
  • Mira Nadarajah (International Rep, MN hereafter)
  • Sophie Birkin (June Event President, SB hereafter)


  1. Minutes and Matters Arising
    1. Objections to the minutes of the last meeting
  2. Update from JCR President
    1. General Update
  3. Updates from committee members
  4. Ideas for potential projects this term
  5. Reminder: Dinner with the Master on 25thApril
  6. O.B.

Minutes and Matters Arising

There were no objections to the minutes of the last meeting.

Update from JCR President

General Update (SP)

  • Email from Alumni and Development inquiring about representative on the JCR committee.
    Action: CH will email Alumni and Development as the JCR representative.
  • Introducing a Services Officer as part of the JCR committee to focus on issues to do with rents and accommodation, as well as kitchen services and potentially balloting. As an extension of looking at accommodation, AS proposed that 4th year rents would be worth considering and it was suggested that current 3rd years would be willing to compile a report for the fellows. It was concluded that it would definitely be worth considering introducing a Services Officer, provided that clear responsibilities for the role were outlined by the committee and the correct channels will be consulted.
  • ED suggested that the JCR committee could make sure feedback from other committees (e.g. Buildings committee and Library committee) reached the student body in a clear manner. The issue with feedback being that many of the committee meetings are confidential so what can be released to the student body must be clarified beforehand.
    Action: Possible solutions to this were giving feedback to JTo for the committee update email, and giving a brief summary of what has been discussed in committee meetings at the start of JCR open meetings.


Updates from committee members/ Ideas for potential projects this term


  • Compiling a list of ‘Dates for your diary’
  • Project with JS and CH to increase the activity of the JCR website


  • Working with the MCR to increase MCR/JCR social events such as a film screening soon.
  • Intends to enter Trinity Hall to Green Impact


  • Puppy day has been organised
  • Compiling welfare booklet to accompany student handbook in freshers’ pack
  • Mental health workshop in freshers’ week to be run in groups alongside Consent workshops. Training would be necessary and MW suggested that someone with personal experience of mental health issues should be present for each discussion.


  • Switching over emails so that JCR members have access to the official email addresses


  • Organising workshops during Mental health week running from the 16th-22nd


  • First meeting with CUSU in coming week
  • College tours for students


  • Possible film nights and ‘Game of Throwns’ screenings
  • Pub crawl in May Week


  • Accounts sorted over Easter
  • Intends to sort out societies
    • Create a system for societies so there is a list of society president details so societies can be contacted
    • Societies reapply yearly so that the list stays updated
    • SP suggested that a ‘Budget Meeting’ should be called to sort out budgeting for societies
    • Action: VG creates a proposal for society budgets to be confirmed by JCR at meeting
  • Clarify budget for welfare


  • Working on some sort of system where international students can have belongings moved between different accommodation sites possibly by students who are driving
  • Improve JCR website for international students (either extend website or create a separate website for information such as how to set up a bank account in the UK)


  • To clarify: FEMFO president and Women’s officer has been split as they are two very different roles with separate responsibilities. Keen to promote that Women’s officer is a welfare role.
  • Wants to send out questionnaire to investigate experiences of women in college
  • Introduce discussion group
  • Review student handbook to give clear advice on actions to be taken in cases of sexual harassment (could also be included in welfare booklet)
  • Womens’ dinner
    • 40 years of female graduates next year
    • Talk of inviting previous womens’ officers


  • Happy to answer questions about June Event
  • Talking to FLY (B&E group)
  • Review student handbook to give clear advice on actions to be taken in cases of racial harassment (could also be included in welfare booklet)


  • Bank account set up now (Burser has access to account)
  • VIVA in May Week
  • TH Big night out sorted
  • LGBT+ dinner in LGBT+ history month next year to show college support (requires governing body approval)
  • Garden Party: new ticketing system to reduce confusion
  • Freshers’ week: BIG FISH ENTs nights sorted
  • VG: Ents owe JCR money which needs to be sorted
  • Come up with some sort of budget for Ents so that the account breaks even



JTo reminded the committee of the Masters’ Dinner on the 25th April



There was no other business to discuss.


NEXT MEETING: Discussing Freshers’ week

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