6. Useful Websites

JCR Website

This one goes without saying since you’re already on it, but as JCR Webmaster I am duty-bound to encourage you at every possible opportunity to check out all of the other useful information available on the JCR website for your convenience.

We’ve done our best to compile all of the most useful university links in our Quick Links section, and if the surveys are anything to go by that’s about 90% of what you’ll use it for. However, there are also frequent news updates, society information, college newspaper archives, welfare information, ents calendars and much more to be found if you have a look around.

Oh, and I spout some drivel onto the blog every now and again, too. If you like that sort of thing.

Trinity Hall Intranet

This is a website run by the college for student information and resources. A few of the most useful things on it are linked from the JCR website’s quick link bar (such as cafeteria menus). If can be found at https://inthnet.trinhall.cam.ac.uk/.


CamSIS (http://www.camsis.cam.ac.uk/) is the University’s online record system, and holds information such as your contact details and personal information, and is also where results for your exams will be released. They’ll email you every now and again to get you to update/verify your records.

The login pages are rubbish, and (as of 2018)  you’ll need click first on “login” under “Camsis Login” and then log in with Raven.


Moodle is a website often used by lecturers and courses to provide resources, assignments and grades to you. For example, Natural Sciences maths lecture notes are hosted on Moodle.

Not all departments or courses use Moodle, but if you want to check, log in using your Raven details and you’ll be able to see what’s available to you.

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